If you’re new to the world of air filters then this may be of value.

I thought it’d be helpful to show an image of the more common varieties of air filters, while including an embedded link so readers could simply tap or click onto the image and be sent to the AAF Flanders webpage for more comprehensive product information.

Please bear in mind that when clicking on the image you’re going to be sent to that particular filter’s associated page. Naturally, there are lots of other filters in that category or group to choose from. If what you’re seeing doesn’t match your particular needs please let us know. With a few application details we can send you in the right direction. We do, after all, want to pick a filter that best meets your particular requirements.

Panel Filters

Panel Filters are often described as “throw away” filters. They typically offer lower MERV ratings than Pleated Panel Filters. The particular panel filter shown here, for example, is a MERV 4, while the Pleated Panel Filter shown below is a MERV 9.

For those new to the acronym, MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The higher the MERV rating the greater the filter efficiency. The scale was designed to illustrate the worst-case performance of a filter dealing with particles ranging from 0.3 – 10 microns (1 micron is 1/1000 mm).

PLEATED Panel Filters

As the name indicates, these filters are pleated.

Pleated filters can be used as prefilters to extend the life of higher efficiency and more expensive final filters. In many instances, however, they are the only filters used in an HVAC system.

High Efficiency Extended Surface Filers, otherwise known as Box Filters:

These filters are ideal for high efficiency applications. They provide strength and integrity in high flow and turbulent conditions.

Extended Surface Non Supported Pocket Filters, otherwise known as Bag Filters:

Non-supported pocket filters are the most economical high-efficiency filters available.

They’re a great choice for healthcare facilities, automotive paint booths, commercial buildings, not to mention myriad industrial applications.


(For cleanrooms, semiconductor manufacturing, pharma, hospitals, labs, etc.)

HEPA & ULPA filters are the most efficient filters commercially available. These are often found in cleanrooms, where ultra-clean air is required.

Other common applications & industries include semiconductor and electronic manufacturing, the pharmaceutical industry, food processing, and healthcare.

Our HEPA and ULPA filters are available in a wide variety of efficiencies – from 99.97% tested on .3 µm particles to 99.9995% and higher tested on .1 to .2 µm particles. All filters are available scan-tested.

Once again, this is just the surface on the iceberg when it comes to air filters. Nonetheless, this should give you a good foundation to work with.

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